How to Configure a Servo Gripper on Fanuc Robots

Learn how to set up a servo gripper in PalletPro in easy steps.
How to Configure a Servo Gripper on Fanuc Robots
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In this article, I will show you how to set up the servo gripper in PalletPro. I will also show you how to set up a real robot with the servo gripper. I will tell you the options you have with these tasks.

If you want to learn more about PalletTool, PalletPro, and robotic palletizing using Fanuc robots, check out our course Fanuc Robot Training 6: Mastering Pallet Patterns.

PalletPro configuration for servo gripper

Let’s begin by opening PalletPro.

I will use the default of PalletPro3 for the sake of this article.

Click Next.

FANUC Workcell Creation Wizard screen showing the first step where a user enters a name for a new workcell.

We will be creating a new configuration during this article.

Click Next.

Select your applicable software version and click Next.

Select which robot family you want to open; I will be using the default of HandlingTool (H552).

Click Next.

I will be using the default of M-410iC/185.

Click Next.

Now here is a part that we would normally skip over if we were doing another robot setup. However, for this article this part of the setup is critical.

We need to find the Independent Axes (H895) option.

After we have highlighted the independent axes, we need to click the >> next to group 2.

Now that our group option is selected, we need to click the Next button.

PalletPro interface displays options for adding robots and positioners to motion groups with various types.

We need to add the option R675 Servo Tool in order to use the servo tool on a robot.

Type 675 in the option search bar.

Click the checkbox to the left of the Servo Tool (R675). Then click the Next button.

PalletPro interface shows options to add robots and positioners to motion groups.

Press Finish.

Configuring servo gripper parameters

Press 1 and then Enter if your servo is controlled from the main axis card.

PalletPro screen displaying robot controller initialization and FSSB settings.

Then press 2 and then Enter to add axis 1.

PalletPro screen for adjusting axis settings to display, modify, add, or delete axes during setup.

Type 1 for Standard Method.

Select your motor. I will be using an aiS30-4000 for this example.

Type 65 and Enter for this example.

PalletPro interface displays motor size selection for robot axis initialization, including a list of motor codes like aiS30.

Type 11 for 4000 RPM. Then click ENTER.

Type 12 for a 160 amp controller. Then click ENTER.

Type 1 for Linear then press Enter.

I will use 1 for the ratio. If you have a gearbox on the servo tool, this is where you would enter it.

Press Enter.

I will leave the default at 66 mm/second. You can change this if your application requires it.

PalletPro interface displaying the Max Joint Speed setting, with options to change or keep the suggested speed.

Press 2 then press Enter.

Press 1 and then Enter.

For my example, I will limit the servo to 1500 degrees plus and minus. Type 1500 then press Enter.

Type -1500 then press Enter.

Make sure you have a mechanical reference point to master similar to the tick marks on the robot.

Type 0 then Enter.

I will not change the values for the accel. Type 2 and then Enter.

Then type 2 and then Enter.

Type 2 and then Enter.

Type 1 and then Enter.

Then type in the amplifier number, since this is a 6-axis amplifier I can use amplifier 1. Type 1 and then Enter.

Type 1 and then Enter.

Then type 1 and then Enter.

Type 10 and then Enter.

Type 4 for Exit then press Enter.

Wait until the robot boots and the simulation is ready.

Robot integration and testing with servo gripper

Click on GP: 1-M-410iC/185.

Then click on Tooling.

Then double-click on Eoat1.

PalletPro interface displays steps to access tooling for the M-410iC/185 robot via the side menu.

Click on the Palletizing tab.

Click on the Gripper Type drop-down.

PalletPro screen shows gripper type selection and activation settings for a Fanuc robot.

There are several gripper types to choose from. For now, we'll use the servo gripper, but if you want to learn about the use cases of other gripper types and how to configure them correctly, check out our courses Fanuc Robot Training 6: Mastering Pallet Patterns, where we use a vacuum gripper, and Fanuc Robot Training 10: Advanced Bag Palletizing, where we use a bag gripper.

Ok…Select Servo.

Notice that the popup changes and adds some new parameters under the servo hand setting.

Detailed view in PalletPro showing servo hand setting options including jaw thickness and release margin for a Fanuc robot.

The jaw thickness is the thickness of the plates that are used for gripping.

The release margin is how wide the grippers are going to open up on the box drop.

Jaw distance is the minimum closed distance of the gripper.

The axis value is when the hand is closed which is the axis value of minimum closed distance.

Type 600 in both the jaw distance when closed hand and axis value when closed hand.

Then type in 600 for the axis value and make sure that the direction is minus.

Now click Apply and then OK.

Open up the unit load editor.

Click on the Palletizing tab.

Now click on the gripper dropdown and select servo.

PalletPro screen showing settings for pallet layers and gripper types in a Fanuc robot simulation.

Click apply.

Now let’s run the cell.

If you look closely, the servo grippers will open and close. Be sure that each unit will be placed correctly.

PalletPro interface shows production data and a Fanuc robot simulating palletizing tasks with boxes labeled FANUC.

You may need to change the height of the robot to adjust for reach errors.


In this article, we learned how to set up a servo gripper in PalletPro, and I hope it helps you with your projects.

We have several courses on robotics on our platform. If you want to improve your skills, make sure to check out realpars.com/courses. Under Skill Paths, filter for Robotics.

If you're a plant manager looking to improve your team's robotics skills, visit realpars.com/business. Just add your contact information, and our team will quickly reach out to discuss how we can support your team's development.


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