How to Update a Logix 5000 PLC’s Firmware Using ControlFLASH

Learn how to update a PLC’s firmware with ControlFLASH.
ControlFLASH 15.07.00 on a laptop connected via Ethernet/IP to an Allen-Bradley PLC, showing firmware update in progress with an arrow indicating data transfer.
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In today’s article, I’m going to show you how to use ControlFLASH to update the firmware of a Logix 5000 PLC. Although I will be demonstrating on a CompactLogix PLC, you can follow the same steps to update the firmware of a ControlLogix PLC.

A PLC’s firmware is the software that provides basic machine instructions that allow the hardware to function and communicate with other software running on a device.

A PLC ships with firmware already installed on it but sometimes you will want to change the firmware that is running on the PLC. For example, you might upgrade the PLC’s firmware to get access to new features. You might downgrade a PLC’s firmware to do an exact replacement of a failed controller.

When we change the PLC’s firmware version, we say that we are flashing the PLC. For Logix 5000 PLCs, the software used to flash a PLC is ControlFLASH which is installed along with Studio 5000.

In this article, I’ll explain how to flash a Logix 5000 PLC. If you want to learn more about Logix 5000 PLCs you can check out our Learn Logix courses which teach you how to work with Logix 5000 PLCs.

Download firmware

Before you can flash a PLC to a firmware version, you must have the firmware file available on your computer.

To download the firmware for a Logix 5000 PLC, navigate to rockwellautomation.com, hover over resources, and click on the Compatibility and Downloads link.

Screenshot of Rockwell Automation's homepage highlighting the URL bar, resources menu, and 'Compatibility & Downloads (PCDC)' link under Popular Resources.

Next, click downloads by product and search for a specific PLC model in the search bar.

Rockwell Automation PCDC page with options to compare products, download files, and access support links.

In this case, I am flashing a 5069 CompactLogix so I search for 5069-L340ERM.

Once I have found the specific PLC, I click on it to open the revisions list and select the firmware version that I want to download. In this case, I want to download the latest revision which is 37.011

Shows how to enter and select CompactLogix 5380 (5069-L340ERM) in Rockwell Automation PCDC.

Once I have selected a revision, I can click on the download icon to start the download process.

Rockwell Automation PCDC page showing selected CompactLogix controller for download with compare and download options.

In the Available Downloads pop up, I select the items that I want to download and click on the Downloads Cart icon to open my cart.

Rockwell Automation PCDC showing firmware download for CompactLogix 5380 with a 47.89 MB file selected.

In the cart, I click the download now button to download the firmware file.

Rockwell Automation PCDC download cart showing CompactLogix 5380 firmware v37.011 ready for download.

After clicking Download Now, I carefully read the services agreement and click Accept and Download.

Rockwell Automation PCDC showing software end-user license agreement with options to accept and download or reject.

The download manager file starts downloading. Once this download is complete, I go to my Downloads folder and launch the download manager.

The Download Manager downloads the firmware to C:\RA.

Now that the firmware is available on my computer, I can flash the PLC.

Rockwell Automation PCDC Download Manager showing firmware download progress for CompactLogix 5380 v37.011.

Flash firmware

We flash the PLC’s firmware using the ControlFLASH application which I can open from the Start menu as shown here.

A welcome screen outlines the steps that are required to use the software. On this screen, you can view log files, firmware inventories, and change the communication software that ControlFLASH is using.

Shows the ControlFLASH welcome screen with options to view log, view inventory, change RSLinx edition, and proceed.

Leave the default options and click Next to continue.

On the next screen, I scroll down to find the type of controller that I will flash. In this case, that’s a CompactLogix 5380 (5069-L3) controller.

ControlFLASH software window showing catalog selection for CompactLogix 5380 (5069-L3) with 'Next' button highlighted.

Once I have the right controller selected, I click Next to continue.

On the next screen, I use Who Active to browse my EtherNet/IP driver and select the controller to be flashed. Once the correct controller is selected, I click OK to continue.

ControlFLASH window showing CompactLogix 5380 (5069-L340ERM) device selected with IP address

On the next screen, I specify the revision to flash the controller to and click Next. Note that by default, only the latest revision is shown.

You can check the Show All Revisions checkbox to see all of the firmware revisions that are available on your computer.

ControlFLASH window showing CompactLogix 5380 (5069-L3) firmware revision selection from versions 35.011 to 37.011.

I read the warning carefully and click Finish to start the flashing process.

Finally, I click Yes to confirm that I want to start the flashing process.

The ControlFLASH firmware update summary with a warning, current and new revision details, and 'Finish' button.

Before the flashing process starts, ControlFLASH warns me that the flashing process will not work if the SD card is locked. I click OK to acknowledge the warning and continue the flashing process.

ControlFLASH warning message about SD card overwrite risk during firmware update with OK and Cancel options.

The firmware is transmitted to the PLC and the PLC is flashed. You have to be very careful not to disconnect or power off the controller during this process as it may leave the controller unusable.

After the process has completed, the status is displayed.

ControlFLASH update status window showing firmware update complete for 5069-L340ERM with a verification message.


In this article, you learned how to download firmware for a Logix 5000 PLC and update a PLC’s firmware using ControlFLASH.

If you would like to continue learning about Logix 5000 PLCs, you can get access to our in-depth content on the topic with your RealPars membership.

Also, if you want to train your team with practical industrial automation courses? Head over to www.realpars.com/business and fill out the form.

Course #1: Learn Logix 1: The Logix 5000 Product Line

Course #2: Learn Logix 2 - A Complete Guide to CompactLogix Systems

Course #3: Learn Logix 3 - A Complete Guide to ControlLogix Systems

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