Wally Gastreich
I have 40 plus years of experience with computer and automation technology stretching back to the days of vacuum tubes. I started my career in the United States Air Force as an ICBM Missile Systems Analyst Specialist. Over the years I have worked in multiple positions in multiple industries having become familiar or expert with the many aspects of computer-aided and automation technology that is used throughout various levels in the many different industries.
What makes me a good instructor is that I have a highly successful career background with a variety of positions as a System Engineer, System Sales, Motion-control Engineer, Automation Communication Product Manager, Automation Project Management, and Marketing in which allows me to bring light to diverse areas of the curriculum presented for a complete well-rounded learning syllabus.
I believe I have a keen overall perspective in automation subjects that allows me to passionately express the subject matter in a simplified way.
I’ve become driven with a passion to teach my fellow employees and now I’m permitted to help students worldwide learn automation and better yet succeed in life. Having 40 years of experience and learning myself how to adapt to different positions, allows me to share and bring to you a wealth of knowledge. And as a subject matter expert in our industry, coupled with the multiple areas of automation practical experience I possess, I am able to deliver very specific content to help you succeed.