How to Download and Install CODESYS

Learn how to download and install CODESYS to quickly start developing PLC applications in CODESYS.
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In my previous CODESYS article, I explained what CODESYS is and why it is an exciting and important technology in industrial automation.

We mentioned that CODESYS is a great platform to learn PLC programming on because the CODESYS Development System is available to download and use free of charge.

In this article, we will show you how to download and install CODESYS so that you can start developing PLC applications in CODESYS as quickly as possible.

Let’s get started by downloading CODESYS.

Download CODESYS

You can download CODESYS from the CODESYS Store.

In my browser, I navigate to the CODESYS Store and click on the button to download the 64 Bit version of the CODESYS Development System as shown here.

After clicking the link, a pop-up window appears and prompts me to sign in to continue downloading CODESYS.

If you don’t already have a CODESYS account, you can easily create one using the Create Account button as shown here.

Create a CODESYS Account

Creating an account

After clicking the Create Account button, we are redirected to a page that lets us specify what type of account we want to create.

I click on Create an Individual Customer Account to continue creating my account. An Individual Customer Account allows me to download free CODESYS products immediately after creating the account, which is what I want in this case.

CODESYS - Create an Individual Customer Account

On the next page, I fill out the information required to create an account and click on the Create Individual Customer Account button to create my account.

Create an Account - Fill out the information

To activate my account, I click on the confirmation link that was sent to me via email address as shown here.

Activate your CODESYS account

After clicking the link, I am automatically logged in to my new CODESYS account and I see a message confirming that my account was successfully created.

Now that my account is activated, I can finish downloading the CODESYS Development System.

I click the CODESYS logo in the top left corner of the screen to return to the CODESYS Store homepage.

Login to your CODESYS account

On the homepage, I click on the Download 64 Bit button again to restart the download of the CODESYS Development System.

Since I am already logged in with my CODESYS account, the download process starts and I am prompted to accept the License Agreement.

After reading the license agreement carefully, I click Accept to continue downloading the CODESYS Development System.

Download CODESYS 64-bit

The download starts and I see the progress in the bottom left of my browser window. Once the CODESYS installer download has finished, I can install the CODESYS Development System on my computer.


When the CODESYS Installer download has finished, I click on the downloaded file to launch the CODESYS installer.

If prompted, I allow the installer to make changes to my system.

If your system is missing any prerequisite files, you will be prompted to install them. Click Install to install the prerequisite software packages.

Install CODESYS - Prerequisites

Once the prerequisites are met, the actual CODESYS installation can begin. Click on Next to move through the CODESYS installation process.

CODESYS - InstallShield Wizard

On the License Agreement screen, read the License Agreement carefully and, when you are happy, accept the license agreement and click next.

Install CODESYS - License Agreement

On the Very Important Information screen, read the very important information carefully, acknowledge that you have read the very important information, and click Next.

CODESYS installation - Very Important Information screen

On the Destination Folder screen, you can configure the location where CODESYS is installed. I will use the default location and click Next to choose what modules I want to install as part of the CODESYS installation.

CODESYS installation - Destination Folder

On the Setup Type screen, I leave the default option of Complete and click Next to start the installation process.

If possible, I recommend that you do a complete installation of CODESYS however, if you have some space limitations on your machine, you can choose to do a Custom installation and not install some optional modules.

CODESYS installation - Setup Type

Finally, click Install to begin installing the CODESYS Development System.

After about ten minutes, the installation is complete. Click Finish to close the installer.

Installing CODESYS


In this article, I have shown you how to download and install the CODESYS Development System.

Now that the CODESYS Development System is installed on your computer, you are ready to launch CODESYS and start developing control applications and visualizations.

If you are interested in learning how to develop control applications with CODESYS, you can check out our course CODESYS 1: Introduction to PLC Programming.

This course gives you a detailed introduction to CODESYS and shows you how to write and test your first CODESYS application and develop a visualization for the application.

At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion signed by WAGO proving that you know the basics of developing PLC applications with CODESYS.

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